Monday, September 20, 2010

How much is enough?

Today, I posted a link to a NYT article by Paul Krugeman regarding whiny rich and their tax cuts. Immediately, RK epitomized the essence of the article by stating that only thieves take others people's money. Sadly, I deleted his post before I could post a witty comeback, so I'm left to mull over his ridiculous greed and selfishness in the privacy of my study. Which is a much better place than on the internet. But I really do wonder, how much is enough? He isn't making 250K a year, so why does he care that the richest among us won't be getting the tax cuts? It's not like they are getting refunds, they just have to pay a little more in taxes. Yeah, yeah, they won't be able to buy a new boat this year, or a house that has too many rooms, but hey, someone else may be able to get money for a student loan and get an education. But, it is rich people's money we are talking about, so let's get real. They just deserve more than the rest of us. They deserve to pay less in taxes because they've worked harder and are plain smarter. Ok, I can accept that. In the 15 years that I have known him, he has been generous with his money. I have benefitted from an Ipod, numerous plane trips, restaurant meals, etc. But has all that generosity come with a price? Was he actually buying my friendship? Was he showing off? Is he that insecure? Does money bring happiness? I don't think so. I think the amount of money one has is directly proportional to sadness. The less I can live with the better. Lately, I've been worried about my personal expenses and not having enough. But do I really need a wood fence?Would I be just as happy with a trip to Pacific City instead of Belize for the big 40? Can I live with the dent in the back of my new Rav4? Yes, but. Wanting things is part of what makes us human. It's when those wants are so unfillable that we have a problem. A problem which cannot be solved by politics. Greed is a sad thing. We seem to have a lot of greedy folks in this country. Greedy people whose minds are warped into believing the rants of nonsense like Limbaugh, Palin, Beck. Those are sad people. I feel sorry for them. Very sorry. I'm not sure how much longer the friendship with V & K will persist. It's not the kind of friendship that brings happiness into my life. I want to run screaming from them. They are detrimental to my spirit, and I must protect my spirit at all costs. My spirit is all I have. I will be true to it. It will guide me. Even through this wave of fraudulent politics. Good outweighs evil.